Balfin Group and Kastrati have successfully finalized the acquisition of most of the shares of INSIG-Jeta (Life Insurance), thus becoming the majority owners of this company.
Balfin Group is the largest and most innovative investment group in Albania with a highly diversified and successful portfolio of investments, with a presence of its investments and activities in over 10 countries in the region and beyond.
Businessman Shefqet Kastrati, president of Kastrati Group, is known for his experience in the field of insurance as the owner of Albsig company, a successful company in this field that has been operating since 2004 in Albania and Macedonia.
This Joint Venture of these two powerful groups guarantees great support for INSIG-Life both in the market’s development and in the solvency of this company.
The INSIG – Jeta company has carefully followed the market needs for insurance services and will continue to provide the entire package of services that are currently covered, including: life insurance, health insurance, personal accident insurance, life insurance and travel health, combined life insurance etc, while maintaining fast, accurate and professional service for a highly satisfied clientele.
This joint venture will guarantee support for the new growth rates of INSIG-Life company through an ambitious strategy to grow in the insurance market by applying the most contemporary concepts of customer management and service, information technology, the expansion of services’ range with new methods and packages, and further enhancement of the quality of services for company customers. To be as close as possible to customers, INSIG-Life assures its customers that they will develop products according to customers’ requirements or offering what is known as “tailor made insurance policy “. INSIG-Life will also sculpt the image of quality both in local and international market, aiming to be the first choice of each customer.
Publication of Communication Department of Balfin