May 6, 2021
BALFIN Group, pioneers of digitalization

BALFIN Group has undertaken a process of substantial transformation by maximizing the use of digital systems to facilitate, accelerate and enhance the quality of the group companies’ offer. Such transformation endeavours will affect the day-to-day work process following the footsteps of the most successful international success stories for each of the industries where the group operates.

Each of the group companies has built a Digital Champion, which, all together, constitute the digital retail team. These teams will be in charge for the implementation of the process pursuant to the recommendations of the Executive Board of BALFIN Group. Digital Champions, the leaders of this process, along with the support of the Group, will estimate the needs of each of the companies and introduce concrete projects indicating that investing in digitalization will bring upon higher benefits.

“Digital Champion” acts as a leader towards change, empowered to challenge each and every aspect of the enterprise and its relevant existing processes. The fundamental scope of this role is to advance the digital agenda in the respective companies by constantly proposing amendments to existing processes, to lead initiatives towards their application and to ensure that they become an integral part of the company’s strategy. “Moreover, they are entitled to build bridges with internal stakeholders to sustainably raise digital awareness, ensure capacity building and enrich the communication and training curricula,” – states Matilda Shehu, BALFIN Group’s Director of Business Operations.

The persons in charge will work in teams to identify synergies around the group and incorporate them into its digital strategy.

Digital transformation also represents an open call to anyone who strongly believes that his/her engagement in the process would help in the process transformation progress, as well as to directly witness the impact on their daily work and business success.

What is digital transformation?

People perceive digital transformation in different ways, however there are two essential features which always form part of the definition:

– Integration of digital technology in all business sectors, radically transforming the way we operate and the set of values ​​we convey to our customers.

-Cultural change that requires businesses to constantly change the status quo, experiment and promote collaboration rather than the individual endeavours.

Digitization of all company assets stands at the very heart, including employees, in-house processes, products, services, suppliers, customers and all their interactions – transforming the data into the most valuable asset of the company.

“Focusing on data promotes the shift to a customer-centric business model, therefore establishing a unique customer experience for a sustainable relationship and long-term benefits.”

Digital transformation encourages employees to always seek to improve themselves, think outside the box, and prominently engage with customers and partners to find new solutions. It also enables decision-making at company level and values ​​delegation rather than control. It encourages people to take risks, fail quickly, and learn by doing, while promoting speed and continual resumption of the change cycle. It also stimulated the emerge of new skills, adapting existing ones and attracting digital talented individuals,” – states Gjergji Spaho, the Head of Information Systems at BALFIN.

Digital transformation in BALFIN Group

The digital transformation in the BALFIN Group will focus on these 4 sectors:

Automation of Operations and Processes

Digitalisation of core business processes by commissioning novel digital systems, platforms, and services to enhance efficiency and communication, aiming to establish new values ​​and increase opportunities.

Customer Focus and Experience

Introduce an enhanced and uninterrupted customised experience across all channels and into as many different channels as possible.

Contained data and information

Identification of relevant models and concealed information based on a holistic analysis of historical data and their consequent transformation into feasible initiatives, such as dedicated or tailored offers to customers based on the chronology of acquisitions, behaviour, or group affiliation. 

Our culture, our people, and our workplace

Integration of a digital mindset, training of the staff with the necessary skills, head-hunting or attracting digital-wise talented individuals and combining digital technologies in the workplace.