The Balfin Group has for years built his name as the most innovative group in the country. This has been noted in the construction of the first QTU commercial center in the establishment of the first organized network of Neptun electronic and electronic devices shops, in the first organized network of the best clothing brands such as Mango, Springfiled, Okaidi, Geox, in the first luxury tourism project in the country such as Green Coast Luxury Resort in Palase, the construction of greenhouses according to the highest European standards etc.. At the same time, over the years, this Group has been expanding its activity in other fields and industries by becoming the largest investment group in Albania.
Also, a feature of Balfin Group is the extension to other geographic areas. Since the founding of the Balfin Group in 1993 by its President Mr. Samir Mane, this Group has invested in Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Austria, Italy, Greece, etc. Currently with the involvement in the geographic map of Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the opening of Jumbo stores from KidZone (part of it), Balfin develops its investments and activities in 10 countries around the world.
The last years can be said to have been the most successful years of the Group in all industries where this group has invested. Year 2016 has been the best year of the Balfin Group , because this year the Group has had an annual turnover of 500 million euros per year, and almost all of the group’s companies have had a positive result. Some of the greatest achievements for 2016 to be mentioned are: Taking the SPAR- giant of world-wide supermarkets in Albania with a franchise relationship; Construction of Agrocon greenhourses The construction of Vala Mar Residences; Completion of the first stage of work for Green Coast Luxury Residences; Emission of commercial short and medium-term papers The expansion of the Neptun shop network; The expansion of the Jumbo network in Kosovo; Investments made in the mining industry etc. Also an achievement was the sale of the Skopje City Mall to South Africa’s largest group Hyproinvest Investments Limited and PDI Investments Holdings Limited.
Year 2017, is the year of major challenges and plans for the Group, especially in the international plan. Based on the vision of the Group’s President Mr. Mane, supported by the strategy and long-term plans of the management board and the leaders of the companies, to expand the presence of the group beyond the existing borders, Balfin Group has started investments in Germany USA and Japan in areas where this The group has strong expertise and experience with the same places where it started to invest. The Balfin Group has expanded the portfolio of investments in public companies in various strategic sectors. Initially, investments are made in the field of infrastructure development in the US, as this Group believes that this field will benefit from the new US focus on the infrastructure. Another investment is the ever-growing field of production and development of robots, benefiting from the expanding of automation processes currently being run by German and Japanese companies, thus by investing in these two countries.
Meanwhile, the Balfin Group’s representatives promise that the investments of this wholly Albanian Group will expand with new states and industries, mainly focusing on the developed European countries, but also in the eastern part of the continent.