October 30, 2018
How Dyqan Taxi is changing the online shopping culture in Albania

Developed countries are evolving so much lately that it seems that the world of science fiction stories is becoming reality. Artificial Intelligence is producing smarter machinery comparing to humans; genetic engineering is creating equipment that helps people increase their capabilities and become “superman”.

But why does this reality look so far in Albania and why is almost untouched by the local consumer? What is the reason why Albanian consumers are not enjoying innovations offered by today’s marketplace?

These questions are very often present during discussions between experts at Dyqan Taxi. From Based on an analysis, all the players in the market had the same answer: Albanian customer was not ready for this innovative way of purchasing.

But the staff of www.dyqantaxi.com, sees it quite differently. After 6 years in the online sales industry, they think that the customer is completely ready to touch on innovations offered by the market. It may have differences with customers from other countries, but it still has more than 300 orders per day. This clearly shows that the problem does not lie with the customer.

Why is the market still so far behind?

Today, nearly 10% of retail sales in the world, in most product categories, take place online and this trend is constantly growing. Meanwhile, in Albania we are still far from this reality.

Apparently, the problem lies within companies, who of doing their job properly or do not have the right strategy to provide consumers with these innovations. The problem is not the consumer himself. This is clearly demonstrated by the success of www.dyqantaxi.com which has over 50,000 Albanian consumers registered on the data it owns. Also, other similar examples point to this.

For example, concerts that took place this summer in Tirana are other cases of online sales success, such as those of Daddy Yankee or Alban Skënderaj, who sold all the tickets on online platforms; the same thing happened with the 2018 Marathon, where all tickets were sold online only.

However, again, these successes are small in number because few companies are willing to work and invest in order to carry out the process properly and provide the right security online. If customer does not use these companies’ services, it is their duty to find solutions to make the consumer use them. It is their task to simplify the process; invest in marketing or provide the necessary prices and quality to make Albanian consumers use their services.

That is exactly what www.dyqantaxi.com plans to do. As part of the Balfin Group, it has already completed an ambitious plan for the next 5 years. It has created an infrastructure that can handle thousands of messages per day. The company in cooperation with the best suppliers will provide the widest variety of products for each category provided, just a click away, at www.dyqantaxi.com.

Currently, the largest books portal of www.bukinist.al of this company offers all the books published in Albanian. This portal has been announced as the medium that has spurred more reading this year.

Over 15,000 products can be purchased without a credit card from Facebook or Instagram

Today in the www.dyqantaxi.com platform, there are over 15,000 products available to the customer but they are working to triple this figure in the next few years.

Among the most sought after products are electronic ones, TVs, home and child equipment, books, smartphones, personal care equipment, crafts, fashion, etc.

Offering a wide variety of products at competitive prices, will direct customers changing their buying ways. Soon the consumer just as in America or Europe will understand that there is no reason to sacrifice his time for purchases he wants to make.

Dyqan Taxi has a dedicated department for updating its portal with even more information describing the products. The department’s capacity is to update and publish online over 50 products per day. The consumer will be able to access the greatest information that has ever been in Albanian for what he consumes.

Currently, Dyqan Taxi has 50 employees dedicated to customers ordering, starting from the phone purchase, social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, or PC, without the need for a credit card. Also, the customer has the right to return the product for any reason, even if he simply does not like it anymore. Over 300 different clients choose to daily use the Dyqan Taxi service. All of these and the variety of quality brands online will give you the confidence to start buying online products even on Albanian sites.

It’s a tough challenge but it seems that for the first time Dyqan Taxi has roll up its sleeves in order to change consumer culture in Albania as it did happen in America and Europe years ago.