Neptun shows its engagement to the community and sports, especially to the sport of basketball, by becoming the general sponsor of the Tirana men’s basketball team.
In the meeting held in Tirana Municipality, the Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, expressed his gratitude to Neptun for its support to the sport of basketball. He emphasized that even though the local government’s attention to sport in growing, the help from the private businesses is always necessary to further empower this sport by offering the financial support that will push it forward.
In his word, the Executive Director of Neptun, Alexandros Kosenas, expressed his appreciation to see the name of Neptun next to the name of a historical club in the sport of basketball, such as Tirana’s. He gave his thanks to the managing staff of the club and to the Municipality of Tirana for making this partnership happen and expressed his hopes that other companies in the private sector will follow Neptun’s example and to push this beautiful sport forward.
“Together, we can bring back the enthusiasm to the children, families and all basketball fans,” – said Kosenas in his speech.
The members of the basketball team that now proudly carry the new name “Tirana Neptun” in their shirts, were also present in this meeting. Their representative also thanked Nepun and the city hall for their support. He pointed out that the lack of funds is the main factor that has hindered not only this sport, but also other sports from growing and reaching higher levels. He also expressed his strong conviction that with the additional help from Neptun, they will be victorious at the end of the season.
Neptun is once again the first company to take the first step towards building a tradition that is common in other parts of the world and especially in USA. The name Neptun will accompany the men of the capital’s basketball team in every match. This choice is not a coincidence as the sport and team play also reflect some of Neptun’s core values such as teamwork, passion, and striving to achieve the best. By embracing these values, the victory will undoubtedly belong to the team that already bears the name Tirana Neptun.
BALFIN Group is an active supporter of the UN’s Sustainable Developments goals, one of which is the promotion of good health and wellbeing. Neptun’s sponsorship to Tirana men’s basketball team is a testimonial of BALFIN Group companies’ commitment to investments with social impact.