2020 marks a very important achievement for the Academy because online training packages were introduced to employees, for the first time. Employees can now choose the field they want to improve and attend the entire course online. Online training is not a new thing for BALFIN Training Academy as it has been developed even before. What constitutes innovation is the possibility of independently choosing and attending courses at the most convenient time for the Group employees.
Eni Çeço from the Human Resources Department of BALFIN Group states that “Now is the time to further deepen the online training experience and make it more accessible to all employees wherever they are. Continuous improvement is one of the most important aspects of the Group corporate culture.”
The trainings will all be free as all expenses will be covered by BALFIN Group. The courses are related to certain topics such as Time Management, Problem Solving, Presentation, Critical Thinking, Stress Management, Negotiation, Project Management, Strengthening Team Spirit, etc. These trainings and courses will be made possible through some of the most popular online platforms such as Udemy, Alison, Coursera, FutureLearn, OpenLearn, SimplevLearning, IBM-Institute, etc., thanks to the relationships that BALFIN Group has established with these institutions.
BALFIN Training Academy was founded by BALFIN Group since 2016 as a genuine academy that enables continuous learning, updating and development of the Group’s employees to adapt to the changes throughout their professional life. In these 4 years, the “thirst” for professional development and new knowledge has made possible the training of hundreds of participants of all levels, from executive directors and up to the specialist level.