May 23, 2019
The well-known US company certifies AlbChrome’s safety at Bulqiza’s mine


Safety and health at the workplace are very important factors, but unfortunately often are seen by some companies as costs thus get underestimated or not paid due attention. But a much greater cost is a wounded worker, or with health problems caused by the work. Such employees, besides suffering at their own expense in the first place, are also the worst image or advertisement that could be made to a company. For this reason, large and prestigious companies, which have heavily invested in their image, care for the health and safety of their employees.

In Albania, one such cases is undoubtedly that of AlbChrome, the largest chrome manufacturer and exporter in the country and beyond, which turns out to be brilliant in the terms of safety of its mine in Bulqiza.

During January 2019, the well-known American company Predictive Safety, based in Centennial, Colorado USA, conducted an inspection in the chrome mine in Bulqiza, where AlbChrome operates.

This company has partnered with “European Agency for Safety and Health at Work” and has as its motto “Secure Employee means Better Business”.

Predictive Safety is a company made up of a passionate staff in improving safety and improving living through the empirical data power.

The analytical services of these types of companies are intended to help businesses to turn data serviced by these specialized companies to applicable information that improves security and life conditions. The US company’s report at the end of their audit is a confirmation of the seriousness and the work done by AlbChrome for the past six years in the Bulqiza mine and not only, where security investments have been rising and continue year by year. In this report, it is not left unmentioned, the large investments that have been made and are continuing on the airing and the electrical system, without forgetting even the emergency teams and the continuous training of the employees so that they are safer in the workplace.

David Lauriski, one of Predictive Safety experts who conducted the mining audit, coincided at the same time that “Top Story” a TV show from “Top Channel” was performing some footage in Bulqiza and said to the cameras: “The reason we are here is to inspect this mine, to see the security within it and to make our knowledge available to improve safety. Part of the process is the inspection of different areas in the mine. We are looking at how is the security managed, we are seeing the conditions, for example ceilings, walls, floors, electricity, the surrounding environment and a host of other things to see if best security practices are used.”

Below are shown details of the American company’s report:

Ventilation and gas monitoring

It appeared there was adequate ventilation providing fresh air, control of blasting fumes, gases and dust. All work places visited had adequate ventilation sweeping the face and work areas either by the main ventilation circuit or auxiliary ventilation fans and tubing. Monitoring for mine gases and records of such was excellent. Gas monitoring occurs frequently on all levels and includes all relevant gases (hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and nitrous dioxide), except for oxygen.

Ground control

Ground control was adequate in all mining areas visited. This included the top and bottom of shafts, in development headings, declines and production areas.


Health and safety documentation required by Albanian mine safety law and regulations was comprehensive and complete.

Noteworthy is the fact that a significant amount or work is being undertaken to upgrade the electrical system underground. This includes installing new power panels, organizing power conductors, and the labeling of breakers. This work is being led by the operation’s Chief Electrician and when finished will enhance electrical safety substantially.


Current safety training conducted at the mine is limited and if focused primarily on Albanian mine safety regulations. New employees are provided training on the requirements outlined in those regulations, as well as shadowing supervisors to learn their work duties.

In other instances, employees being prepared to take on new assignments may spend time with an experienced person to ensure that they can undertake the duties of the new job. During the audit, a practice at the production shaft hoist room was observed where two employees were being trained to become hoist operators for the #9 shaft hoist. This is a recognized best practice that is encouraged to continue.

Education (knowledge) and training (learning how to apply) are essential to an effective safety and health management system. Workers, who know how to do their job, understand the hazards and risks of their assigned tasks, and apply their knowledge and skills, are far less likely to be injured.

Emergency preparedness and response

A comprehensive plan required by Albanian mine safety regulations is in place to help guide emergency efforts at the Bulqizë operations.

Supporting any emergency response is the fact that there are two full-time mine rescue teams and one full-time equipment maintenance technician/trainer. Training for these teams appeared adequate at the time of the audit.

Compliance with Albanian mine safety laws and regulations

Based on the results of an inspection by Albanian mine safety inspectors during the audit, discussions with mine leadership, and associated health and safety document review, it appeared that compliance with Albanian mine health and safety regulations is excellent.

Investment and security for the future

“We will continue to invest without holding back for further security for our employees, as they are the most precious asset we have and this is a clear directive from the Balfin Group, which we are part of,” said Luan Saliaj, Executive Director of AlbChrome.


Among the security measures regularly taken by Albchrome for its employees can be mentioned: 1. Establishment of an at Work Security Officer in each unit ; 2. Daily safety inspections carried out by a team of experts on the basis of a specific chart; 3. Budget and monthly/3-month/yearly plan for training and communication of occupational safety regulations; 4. Strict working discipline, daily checks on alcohol consumption by staff and immediate measures for any breach of technical security regulations; 5. Professional safety training course, every mine worker performs a training course before starting work.

Occupational Safety Figures:

Since 2013, the number of accidents at work has significantly decreased;

Since 2013, more than $ 2 million of investments have been made to improve the technical security conditions;

On average, 6 detailed weekly controls were conducted in each unit over the implementation of the technical security regulation.