February 6, 2023
Ask the CEO: Edlira Muka hosts a live Q&A session

From Group investment projections and market expansions to leadership attributes, personal hobbies, and author favorites, the CEO of BALFIN Group, Edlira Muka, answered it all in a live Q&A session with employees, a group signature practice of two years. This tradition paves the way for systematic and effective dialogue between all organizational levels and is part of BALFIN Group’s Corporate Governance approach.

“Ask the CEO” gathered online hundreds of employees from BALFIN Group’s companies who were curious about topics as varied as key highlights from last year, investment and expansion strategy of the Group in the immediate future, the director’s public speaking techniques, book picks, and even her favorite Nobel Prize winner. Another equally important topic discussed was that of the employee value proposition, engagement, and inclusion in management decisions or business prospects.

“We will continue strengthening our position in the industries and countries we are present in, while simultaneously focusing on finding new investment prospects in the region. Our long-term goal is to double our commercial activity by 2033,” Muka said with regard to BALFIN Group’s strategy. She highlighted the role of employees in the strategy, too. “We value the professional development of employees, who make up the driving force between every milestone; therefore, we will continue to rigorously invest in it and strengthen our value proposition.”

Upon the conclusion of the Q&A session, she emphasized the importance of making use of Group internal platforms to initiate positive change, innovations, social initiatives, or business prospects. Further on, Muka encouraged employees to follow up with any questions or curiosities that might arise.

Previous sessions have put BALFIN Group’s Vice Presidents of Real Estate and Retail, Ardiana Sokoli and Julian Mane respectively, on the spotlight, where the discussions ranged from industry questions to those on the personal and individual development spectrum.

BALFIN Group has designed and put in place tools to support employees as innovators or social initiators, such as Balfin Innovation Summit or Social Clubs, whose proposals are carefully reviewed by special structures. The Live Q&A sessions make up another important component focusing on inclusive corporate governance by putting employees at the core. BALFIN Group considers open conversations an important tool in fostering more direct, interactive, and impactful communication between Group employees.