Two of Balfin Group companies were yesterday present in “Business Day” at the European University of Tirana, within the framework of “UET Open Weeks”.
This academic year, UET arranged the Labor Fair by dividing it into 5 weeks, with 5 different fairs for each faculty.
In this Labor Fair that took place yesterday, over 50 different companies participated, of which Tirana Bank and Neptun, representing Balfin, were visited by a large number of students and young people who were introduced to the employment or internships opportunities near these companies.
Also, Balfin Group represented by Anjeza Kelmendi, Group’s Human Resources Director participated the forum “Today’s Human Resources Challenge in Corporations”.
Kelmendi made a presentation of the Balfin Group’s large portfolio of businesses to the students, and focused on the difficulties that businesses are facing today into finding qualified human resources.
She introduced the modern approaches used by the Group to evaluate and motivate its employees, such as the Training Academy and the Talent Pool, and invited students to apply for Balfin’s employment and internship opportunities.
This forum attracted a lot of interest and had opinion exchanges between the attendees, confirming that the issue of qualitative recruitment remains a very sensitive topic of interest.
Education and knowledge are key to personal growth, preparation for employment, building strong families, and contributing to the society. Balfin Group aims to help and provide its support and expertise at all levels of education, motivating young people to succeed in professional and human development. This especially for young people who are less advantageous because of their location, economic difficulties, etc.
During 2018, from 230 young people who completed their internships at the Balfin Group, about 33% of them have been employed by the companies of this business group, while a good part of them are employed in other companies thanks to the added value that their CV received, cause of the fact that they put their first career steps in a safe professional environment.