Balfin Group Companies have joined the call of the Tirana Mayor. Mr. Veliaj in cleaning Tirana on the 4th of September 2015.
Divided into two groups, the employees of our companies that participated in this initiative were first focused in the areas of Tirana Artificial Lake and Yzberisht (two large areas of Tirana). Equipped with the necessary tools, the employees have made a great improvement in the cleanliness of these areas. Latter on they have processed in other areas of the city like Kavaja Street etc.
The participation in this activity is considered by the employees themselves as an obligation which needs to be organized not only upon the call of local and central authorities. It should to be considered as a continuous duty of every citizen, contributing visibly enough in the improvement of the air quality, of the surroundings where we live, of the cleanliness and hygiene of the community but of the individuals as well, thus providing the necessary impact in improving the quality of life of the citizens.