The European Sustainable Development Goals Summit’s virtual roundtable brought together participants representing the private sector, youth-led organizations, governmental agencies, UN organizations and academia. This event organized by CSR Europe aims to explore synergies among European countries to support an inclusive and sustainable growth.
In the face of a climate crisis and weakened social cohesion, the European SDG Summit 2021 called for renewed ambition, mobilization, leadership, and collective action to build a prosperous and inclusive society while pursuing a green, and digital transition.
BALFIN Group’s Director of Communications, Agim Fjolla, was one of the speakers at “Circular Economy Drives Sustainable Development” panel, organized by CSR Albania and CSR Kosovo. He shared BALFIN Group’s best practices in developing and supporting of Circular Economy initiatives and environmentally friendly CSR projects.
“BALFIN Group is implementing several initiatives in the framework of circular economy in the sector of tourism, retail, construction, etc. in addition to supporting social and environmental projects that are beneficial to the environment or promote a green economy. We want to raise awareness on this topic through good local examples and educate citizens about the positive impacts of circular economy. Well-educated citizens will be more responsible about the environment and will have a stronger voice in support of a green economy,” said BALFIN Group’s Director of Communications, Agim Fjolla, in his speech.
Many countries have already defined their commitments to achieve sustainable development goals by driving more sustainable consumption and production. Companies worldwide are transitioning to a more circular business model and people are changing their consumption habits, driven by local initiatives and consciousness about sustainable living.
Meaningful participation by local governments, private sector, entrepreneurs, citizens and residents is crucial, as is educating the leaders, employees and consumers of the future.