Mane Foundation, with the special care of its founder Samir Mane, responded to the concern of the Likrama family, whose children were forced to work to ensure their minimum living conditions and education. This was a case brought to the attention of this foundation by the Albanian television show Fiks Fare a few weeks ago and which is now a positive example of cooperation.
The Mane Foundation gave the opportunity to three children aged 7, 11, and 13 to dedicate themselves to education. With a monthly pension for each of them until they grow up and with the renovated house in Krrabë, Tirana, the living conditions of the Likrama family have improved significantly.
The head of the family, Majlinda Likrama, says that the greatest joy will be when the children attend classes without having to sacrifice it due to various jobs in the area where they live. Conditions at home are also good now and the whole family feels grateful.
Read also: Mane Foundation Supports Families Affected by Flood in Peja
Through a contribution from Tirana Bank, the Mane Foundation renovated the house where Ms. Likrama lives, as well as provided the appropriate support for the children to spend their free time just like their peers.