Balfin Group has been heavily involved in corporate social responsibility over the last three years and the company has shown special attention to various categories of families or individuals in need. Under the special care of the Group’s President Mr. Mane, there are many sad stories that the group has tried to change for good.
Reconstruction of the Sorra family house.
Of these, one can clearly mention the extreme poverty of the Sorra family in the Kashar administrative unit in Tirana, which shocked and affected the entire public. Shortly before, Balfin Group rebuilt the house of this family, completely changing the living conditions. Today, the three children of this family have a dignified shelter and can live on normal conditions, like most of their peers.
Another case was that of Mrs. Silvana, with special abilities from Delvina. The mother of two children lived in difficult economic conditions together with her mother, who suffers from a mental illness and occasionally becomes violent. Abandoned by her spouse who also took their two children, the only source of income for the unemployed 41-year-old was her sick mother’s pension.
Balfin Group reacted immediately by fulfilling Silva’s wish to have a sewing machine, in order for her to be able to earn income by practicing her profession. During the visit to Mrs. Silvana, representatives of the Balfin Group, provided her with a significant amount of food products, which will continue in the next three years in the form of a monthly pension of 15,000 ALL. This amount will be given to her family every month, converted into meals through one of the Delvina town’s markets.
Assistance for Luka and Biçaku families.
In June, Balfin’s president directly stated in the TV show “Opinion” on TV Klan vowing to provide on all the expenses for the economic problems of the family Luka in Vora, a family where the mother of the three girls was having tremendous difficulties in “guaranteeing the livelihood of daughters. “Even if we solve 3-4 cases today, we make five happy families and the future will be more positive. For the case in word, Arbri (director of Fundjava Ndryshe Foundation) together with us, will be taken through us and the Balfin Foundation to solve the concrete case. We will solve all the problems, including the home and the medical service, “said Mr. Mane during the show. He also announced that only in cooperation with the Fundjava Ndryshe Foundation, the Balfin Group is supporting 35 families facing difficulties in employment, education or medical assistance. But, the support that Balfin Group provides through this organization is only half of total support, because such a contribution is also given to many associations and other organizations. In November 2017, the history of the extreme poverty of the Biçaku family in Thanasaj village of Lushnja shook and touched the entire audience through broadcasting the reportage on the “Opinion” show. Due to health problems, none of the three-child family members were rated as capable of working, and the food and other basic needs were secured with a minimal income from assistance. During live broadcasting of the show, Balfin Group through SPAR Albania was offered to provide and complete the Bicaku family asic needs for two consecutive years, which reaches the value of 720,000 ALL.
Contribution and other collaborations
Balfin Group has also joined World Vision’s social program, “Tungjatjeta”, as one of the strategic partners of this program. World Vision International Organization has the foundation for child welfare through community development. All over the country, it turns out that 70,000 children between the ages of 2 and 17 are disabled, while 92% of them do not receive the basic services they need.
Tungjatjeta is a social program dedicated to children with disabilities who live in the deepest areas of the country. Meanwhile part of the social responsibility of Balfin Group is also the work for inclusion in the work processes of one of the most discriminated groups in today’s society, who are people with different abilities. These people are an unprotected group and often find no support to enable their proper integration into the labor market. A work started in 2016 has crystallized with concrete results at the beginning of 2017. Balfin Group, having this group in mind and enabling the integration of these people into the labor market, has applied a completely special project. The project has started with a collaboration with the Albanian Disability Rights Foundation (ADRF), where jointly a special program for this category was analyzed and implemented. These positions / roles were analyzed simultaneously by representatives of ADRF and representatives of the Balfin Group (Company Physician and Human Resources Manager). After analyzing and setting positions and taking into account vacancy requirements, the selection of potential candidates on the association lists was made. For these and other initiatives, Balfin Group has been announced by Partners Albania as the 2016 Philanthropy Award winner for a comprehensive contribution to improving the quality of life of individuals and communities, supporting innovative ideas of young entrepreneurs, special attention to institutions and organizations that provide services for children with Down syndrome, people with autism spectrum disorder, the elderly, people with terminal illness, as well as the sensitivity to environmental protection.